Works & Scores
Opus 1-50
1 Three Hungarian
Original Title: Trois Hongroises
Instrumentation: piano
2a Vilma Csardas
Original Title: Vilma Csardas
Type of Work: čardáš
Instrumentation: piano
2b Friendly Summons
Original Title: Baráti fölhivás (Freundlicher Zuruf)
Instrumentation: piano
3a Echo from the Homeland
Original Title: Honi Visszhang (Heimisches Echo)
3b Longing for the Homeland
Original Title: Honvágy (Heimath-Sehne)
Instrumentation: piano
3c My Hope
Original Title: Reményem (Mein Hoffen)
Instrumentation: piano
4 Memory of Eisenstadt
Original Title: Kismartoni Emlék (Erinnerung an Eisenstadt)
Instrumentation: piano
5 Kossuth March
Original Title: Kossuth Indulója (Ungarischer National-Marsch)
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchester (rukopis); piano
6 Farewell March (1848)
Original Title: Búcsú Induló; (Ungarischer Abschieds-Marsch)
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchester (rukopis); piano
7 Original Hungarian March
Original Title: Original-Ungarischer (Eredeti Magyár)
Instrumentation: piano
8 Farewell to the Homeland
Original Title: Abschied von der Heimath (Búcsú a hazától)
Instrumentation: piano
9 A Sound of Your Voice
Original Title:
Ein Ton aus deiner Kehle
Type of Work: song
German Lyrics: Rudolf Hirsch (1816-1872)
Instrumentation: lesný roh a orchester (rukopis); spev a piano; piano (arr. C.T.Brunner - Fantasy)
10 Lullaby
Original Title: Schlummerlied
Type of Work: song
German Lyrics: Theodor Bakody
Instrumentation: voice a piano
11 Jubilee March
Original Title: Preussens Aar Jubel-Marsch
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
12 Hurrah Storm Gallop (1854)
Original Title: Hurrah! Grosser Sturm Galopp
Type of Work: galop
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano
13 Prince Friedrich March (1863)
Original Title: Prinz-Friedrich-Carl-Marsch
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra; wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
14 Litfass Polka (1855)
Original Title: Litfass Annoncir-Polka
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano
15 A Berlin Lady (1855)
Original Title:
La Berlinoise
Type of Work: mazurka
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
16 The Swallow (1856)
Original Title: L'Hirondelle
Type of Work: mazurka
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
17 The Stars of Hope (1851)
Original Title: Hoffnungs-Sterne
Type of Work: waltz
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); violin and piano (manuscript); piano
18 The Rose (1856)
Original Title:
La Rose
Type of Work: polka-francaise
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
19 Courier Galop (1855)
Original Title:
Courier Galopp
Type of Work: galop
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
20 Mosonyi Csardas
Original Title: Mosonyi-Csárdás (Wieselburger-Csárdás)
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: piano
21 Gisella March
Original Title: Gizella Induló (Gisella-Marsch)
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
22 Mazzuchelli March (1861)
Original Title: Mazzuchelli Marsch
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); wind orchestra (manuscript); piano four hands (manuscript); piano
23 A Wanderer's Song
Original Title:
Type of Work: song
German Lyrics: Uffo Daniel Horn (1817-1860)
Instrumentation: voice a piano
24 Cheer Up Polka
Original Title: Afmunterungs-Polka
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano
25 Masquerade Galop
Original Title: Masken-Galopp
Type of Work: galop
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano
26 Memory of Debrecen (1857)
Original Title: Debreczeni Emlék (Erinnerung an Debreczin)
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
27 Palms of Peace (1856)
Original Title: Friedens Palmen
Type of Work: waltz
Instrumentation: orchestra; wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
28 Conference Quadrille
Original Title: Conferenz Quadrille
Type of Work: quadrille
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano
29 Ladies´ Polka (1857)
Original Title: Ladies-Polka
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra; wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
30 Sophie Polka (1855)
Original Title: Sophien-Polka
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra; wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
31 Memory of Bardejov (1858)
Original Title: Bártfai Emlék (Erinnerung an Bartfeld)
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano four hands; piano
32 Budapest Polka (1858)
Original Title: Pest-Ofner-Polka
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
33 Brigadier March (1858)
Original Title:
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
34 The New Coin
Original Title:
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
35 Viennese Circle Dance (1856)
Original Title: Neu Wiener Körtanz (Új Bécsi körmagyar)
Type of Work: quadrille
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
36 A Gracious Lady (1858)
Original Title:
La Gracieuse
Type of Work: mazurka
Instrumentation: wind orchestra (manuscript); piano
37 St. Quentin March (1859)
Original Title:
St. Quentin-Marsch
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra; wind orchestra; piano four hands; piano
38 An Orphan's Hair
Original Title: Árva lány haj a suvegem bokrétája
Type of Work: song
Hungarian Lyrics: Sándor Petöfi (1823-1849)
Instrumentation: voice and piano; men choir
39 Farewell to the Lower Land (1858)
Original Title: Alföldi Bucsúhangok (Abschied von Niedern-Ungarn)
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: violin and orchestra (manuscript); violin and piano (manuscript); piano
40 Bouquet Csardas (1858)
Original Title: Sträusschen Csárdás (Bokreta Csárdás)
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano 4 hands; piano
41 Goodbye (1855)
Original Title:
Auf Wiedersehen
Type of Work: polka
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
42 Volunteers' Waltz (1855)
Original Title: Die Freiwilligen
Type of Work: waltz
Instrumentation: piano
43 Sailors' Journeys (1854)
Original Title: Seemanns-Fahrten (Hamburger Debut-Walzer)
Type of Work: waltz
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
44 Quadrille Assembly (1861)
Original Title: Assemblee-Négyes
Type of Work: quadrille
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
45 Schiller March (1859)
Original Title: Schiller Marsch
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
46 Verbovets Csardas
Original Title: Werböczy-Csárdás
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano four hands; piano
47 Youth (1858)
Original Title: Die Minorenne (La Minorenne)
Type of Work: polka-francaise
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
48 Deák March (1861)
Original Title: Deák Induló (Deák-Marsch)
Type of Work: march
Instrumentation: orchestra (manuscript); piano
49 Comet Csardas (1861)
Original Title: Üstökös-Csárdás (Komet Csárdás)
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano four hands; piano
50 Rays of Memories (1861)
Original Title: Strahlen der Erinnerung
Type of Work: csardas
Instrumentation: orchestra; piano four hands; piano
BURDYCH, Pavel. Expanded Biography and Summarization of the Work of Béla Kéler (1820-1882) with emphasis on the musical picture The Carpathians. Dissertation. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Education, 21.4.2021
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